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Vol. 6, Issue 2 | magazine.pharmatutor.org
PRINT ISSN: 2394-6679 | E-ISSN: 2347-7881
A Review on: Plants as Anticancer
J.Y Manure*, N.S Naikwade
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Appasaheb Birnale College of Pharmacy,
South Shivaji Nagar Sangli, India
* Javeedmanure.98600@yahoo.com
Cancer is a diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth. There are various types of cancer, and is
classified by the type of cell that is affected. Cancer harms the body when altered cells divide uncontrollably to
form lumps or masses of tissue called tumors. The recent treatments include chemotherapy, radiotherapy and
Surgery. But this treatment accomplished by several side effect like the destruction of bone marrow cell,
alopecia etc. So there is a need for the new drug for treatment of cancer. Plant-derived chemical may act as
anticancer in many studies. The Plant produces secondary metabolites which are being evaluated for the
anticancer activities leading to the development of new drugs. So in this review we have study different plants
which act as anticancer. And this will encourage further scientific study of traditionally used plants.
Keywords: Anticancer, Plants, Secondary metabolite
The cancer disease is characterized continuous
multiplication of cell with the inability to be
controlled or stopped consequently, forming tumors
of malignant cells with the potential to be
chemotherapy, radiotherapy and chemically derived
drugs. Treatments such as chemotherapy can put
patients under a lot of strain and further damage
their health. Therefore, there is a focus on using
alternative treatments and therapies against cancer.
[Ochwang’I DO et al. 2014]
For many years herbal medicines have been used
and are still used in developing countries as the
primary source of medical treatment. Plants have
been used in medicine for their natural different
properties. The plants extracts preparation shows a
potential anticancer effect for the treatment of
different types of cancer. [Sivaraj R et al. 2014]
There is need for new drugs evaluation for the
treatment of cancer from fruits, vegetables, herbs
and spices. Ethnotraditional use of different plant-
derived natural products plays a significant role in
the discovery and development of potential
medicinal agents. [Torres MP et al. 2012]
Grape seeds are a good source of polyphenols, which
showed a potent antioxidant activity. Thus, grape
seed extract (GES) can be used to treat number of
deadly diseases like cancer (skin cancer, colon cancer
& colorectal cancer) and various bacterial infections.
The petroleum ether extracted of Grape seeds
analyzed for the cytotoxicity against skin cancer cell
lines A431 it showed maximum cell lysis at the
concentration of 500 µg/mL. The IC50 value is 480
µg/mL, which indicated that such concentration
could lyse 50% of skin cancer cell lines. The
morphological changes occurs in treated A431 cell
lines when visualized under an inverted light
microscope showed that the detachment of the cells
from the substratum, cell shrinkage, nuclear
condensation and fragmentation. The morphological
changes included the reduction in the size of the
cells and the cells gradually became shrunken with
the appearance of small bodies. Nature and its
differential features occurred in the cancer cells it
clearly defined the cellular morphological
characteristics, which was typical of cell death. The
GSE could be used in ointments and also injected as
injectable in skin cancer patients to treat skin cancer.
[ Mohansrinivasan V et al. 2015]
Tumor cells trigger angiogenesis through over
expression of various angiogenic factors including
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and
How to cite this article: Manure JY, Naikwade NS; A Review on: Plants as Anticancer; PharmaTutor; 2018; 6(2); 40-49;