Grants Received From
Sr. No | Name of the project | Chief Co-ordinator | Amount |
1 | Evaluation of natural pesticides | Prof. D. D. Chougule | 4.40 LAKHS |
2 | Evaluation & Phytochemical screening of natural abrotificient & spermicides | Dr. S. A. Tamboli | 5.00 LAKHS |
3 | Development of quality assurance laboratory for instrumental & microbiological analysis | Dr. S. S. Patil | 5.00 LAKHS |
4 | Brain targeting efficiency of L-dopa from Nasal Mucoadhesive Microemulsion | Dr. N. S. Naikwade | 8.00 LAKHS |
5 | Phytochemical Investigation & Evaluation for Anti-Tubercular Activity of Certain Indigenous Plants | Prof. P. L. Ladda | 9.00 LAKHS |
6 | Modernization & removal of obsolescence in pharmaceutical chemistry laboratory | Mr. K. S. Pathade | 10.97 LAKHS |
7 | Modernization & removal of obsolescence in Pharmacology laboratory | Ms. P. R. Khot | 10.16LAKHS |
8 | Modernization of Pharmaceutics Laboratory (Ongoing) | Dr. R. R. Shah | 10.00 LAKHS |